Employee/Shareholder Compensation Practices In Construction

2.873 million. That’s the top pay for construction executives in 2018.

Shareholder/Employee Compensation Practices


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Report Description

Frequently there is a need for business professionals to answer questions such as these:
  • What is a fair salary for a CEO of a construction firm?
  • What is a high or low salary for a CFO?
  • What is unreasonably high or low compensation for shareholder/employees?
Such questions as these are prompted by competitive threats, buy-sell opportunities, shareholder divorce, leadership retention, and IRS challenges to shareholder/employee pay practices. Shareholder/Employee Compensation Practices is designed to answer these questions in detail by providing the most recent five year history of wage and benefit practices for employee/shareholders. It is reported by revenue size describing the high, low and mid range of pay, bonus and dividends for each position.

Survey Data Elements

  • Base Salary — Annual direct pay excluding bonus
  • Bonus Amounts — Direct pay in addition to salary
  • Total Compensation — All direct pay
  • Percentiles — 25th, 50th, 75th
  • Average Or Mean — Weighted by number of contractors
  • Weighted Average — Weighted by number of employees
  • Low Flag And High Flag Compensation– Boundaries Of Reasonable Pay

Titles Covered

The Shareholder/Employee Compensation Practices covers the following executive positions. Full job descriptions are provided for each position to assist in accurately matching these survey positions to a company’s specific titles.

 Chairman Of The Board   President (CEO) 
 Executive Vice President  Senior Vice President 
 Vice President Of Operations   Chief Financial Officer

Demographic Breakouts

Analysis is provided for each employee/shareholder position by revenue size only. The annual revenues of construction companies correlate most closely with pay scales for executive employees. This statement holds true across types of construction, types of contractors and geographic regions of the United States.

Revenue Breakouts Include…

  • All Revenues
  • Under Five Million
  • Five To Twenty Million
  • Twenty To One Hundred Million
  • Revenues Over One Hundred Million

Availability & Cost

Updates: Report is updated in December of each calendar year
Report length: 182 pages
Book $835
Book & Flash Drive $910
Ships the same day if ordered before 3:00 p.m. EST.
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